Quiz Club

Quiz club creates awareness on all the current news. Members make questions based on it and conduct quiz programs.

Nature Club

The members of the nature club maintain a Herbal Garden.Various specious of medicinal plants are grown here.Expeditious and exploratory trips are undertaken to make the children innovative and adventurous .Trekking through the zig-zag hillocks of Munnar was a challenging experience this year.We also had information gathering and eco-tourism programmes conducted to make the students aware of the indispensability of an eco-friendly nature.

Oratory club

The club privies a platform to manifest the oratory skills of the students like extempore speech elocution and veracious public address. They are given 'on the rostrum' practice on all available occasions as such they become confident to face the audience devoid of inhibition and stage fright.

Drama Club

Drama club trains the students in acting and scriptwriting skills. Workshops are conducted by famous persons in the field to enhance their skills.

Debate Club

Debate club holds debates on burning issues. The club motivates the students making them aware of the need for logical and critical thinking and presenting them for reasoning without fear.

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